Condition: Rosacea
What are the causes ?
The onset of rosacea, which is more common in women, is a phenomenon that can be triggered or worsened by the following factors:
- Heredity: Hereditary factors are good indicators for determining whether or not a person will be affected - or not - by rosacea during their lifetime. Her family history of rosacea and her skin color (people with paler skin are more affected) should be considered.
- Exposure to the sun: Exposure to UV rays worsens symptoms of rosacea. It is recommended to apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more in summer and winter. Such a measure will limit the amplification of the affection.
- The use of cosmetic products : As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is important to pay special attention to the products used on the face. To avoid exacerbating the situation, avoid cosmetics containing perfume, alcohol, abrasives or other irritating ingredients; in addition, the softest products will be preferred.
- The lifestyle : Several other factors can influence the onset or worsening of rosacea. These include exposure to extreme temperatures, intense physical exertion, stress, and the use of medications (specifically, prescription cortisone creams), and also tobacco use.

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